Sunday, November 8, 2009

I realize it's been a coon's age since I did a blog so while I sit on my back porch on this exceptionally warm November day recovering from chemical inhalation ( yes I was using bleach cleaning in a confined area- sometimes my actions move faster than my brains), I thought I'd update everyone on how our life is going.

I guess the biggest change since my last update is I'm content and happy. I'm working outside the house everyday at a real job where I get paid on a regular basis and I realize how much I missed it. Donald is being Mr. Mom and is so much better at it, than I - I do believe the kids are happier too. Apparently homework is not my calling in life. I'm much better at doing sales and fixing messed up sales departments which is what I have been doing.

Financially things have been a bit challenging, but we're learning to deal and even that seems to be getting better albeit a little at a time. We're not going hungry and most of the bills are being paid so I'm good. I just got a raise after working 1 .5 months and my sales department seems to be shaping up so hopefully by early next year , I'll be making even more money and might be able to start digging out of the hole. Much to both our parents horror, I am hoping to be making enough money to sustain us so Donald can stay home - at least until the terror starts Kindergarten. It's funny to me because if it was me being home, everyone would be peachy keen with it but because we find that things work better the "non -traditional" way - we hear flack. Personally I don't care what anyone thinks. I'm happy , Donald's happy , kids are happy -nuff said!

Speaking of the terror - it seems we have a bit of a junkie on our hands. At every turn, my 4 year old "angel" is caught off in the corner sneaking candy and drinking soda , which is forbidden and he knows it. He is definitely a handful and stubborn. We've tried rewarding him , beating him, punishing him - nothing works. This morning is a perfect example. A report came up from the trenches from one of our spies ( his siblings) that while we were laying in command central , a child who was supposed to be watching TV was indeed sneaking candy and soda. When I interrogated the suspect, his simple answer was - I was thirsty. He looked at me and said" I guess I'll go to bed now ". Obviously that punishment isn't working anymore.

So his father and I came up with a devious plan for revenge. He'd make eggs for everyone and Justin would be forced to eat what he doesn't like. Muuuuhaha ( it seemed good at the time ) He complained as we predicted and Donald just said " you don't listen to me and I don't listen to you - I made what I want to , now eat the eggs" We waited for the impending tantrum. And waited. And waited. It never came. He just shrugged it off and ate his damned eggs. So in the end he got candy , soda and a nutritional breakfast and as usual we got screwed by a 4 yr old.

Although things are good here, I can't say they are sane. About two weeks ago I was fighting a minor cold when we awoke in the middle of the night to our burglar alarm system going off crazily .Now since we don't have an active system this perplexed us a bit. Upon further investigation by Donald , we realized that there was water coming in from the rain on our electrical panel. oh Joy! Donald took care of what he could and I went back to bed.

In the morning my alarm went off and I decided I would stay home and nurse my cold since I hadn't slept that well the night before. Then my mother came over to help as she usually does. Only this time she decided to feed our love bird and left the cage open. That resulted in kids screaming. The dog started chasing a love bird through the house, 4 kids started chasing the dog that was chasing the love bird and my mother started chasing the kids who were chasing the dog who was chasing the love bird. While Super Dad, saved the day by catching the bird, I decided it was quieter at work so I took a shower and went to the quiet of my job and rested there.

We had our Halloween party and it was quieter with less drama than usual so that was good. Marybeth as always went above and beyond on the party - giving us a throwing up pumpkin and a Tinkerbell cake for Hailey that was gorgeous. I of course was a witch as I feel it's always best to stay true to one's self when picking a costume.

Obviously now our next concern are the holidays that are approaching. Financially Christmas sucks but I'm sure we'll manage. Santa always seems to find a way. I've decided this year to try and relax and enjoy the holidays. After years of trying to make Christmas a Norman Rockwell event, I have finally come to the conclusion that rather than It's a Wonderful Life, our Christmases are more like Chevy Chases in Christmas Vacation! And I'm finally okay with that. There will be no pressure for a perfect Christmas and as long as the hubby gets me a few things ( B&N gift card, Bath and Bodyworks card ) I'll be good. A stocking from him and the kids would be nice but I'm not holding my breathe. I've learned to be thankful with what I get. ( I repeat that to myself over and over to make it work )

Thanksgiving this year I get to NOT COOK and go to my in laws house and then I'd venture that we'll stop by my parents house for dessert. I'm working this year so I wont be doing a shopping on Black Friday ( although I may venture out before work ).

Christmas this year falls on a Friday which allows me to stay home and enjoy my family. I'll cook on Christmas Day for us and my parents and we'll be able to spend the next day with his family. I figure by that Monday I'll be happy to escape the chaos and get back to work.

So as you can see things are pretty decent here. Donald has a computer fish board addiction that is completely unhealthy and the house still needs work, but we're doing okay. We're enjoying our kids and knock on wood, so far avoiding the swine flu so I can't complain. Give me time though - I'm sure as winter sets in, we'll have a disaster of two that I can report. Until then I'll remain true to the Pine Barrens that I now love and call home. After traveling Jersey all day for work, I'll come home to my family and my fire and curl up and watch MonsterQuest with the Mr Mom I love the most. Yes it's geeky but that's what make my life so cool.