Thursday, December 11, 2008

The breakdown

It's less than a week until my 38th birthday and I know some of you have been wondering why I haven't written anything. I mean obviously waking up on Thanksgiving morning to a completely frozen turkey is worth a few lines. Unfortunately apparently in conjunction with my upcoming birthday I am having some kind of breakdown and have been preoccupied. I have been cleaning all week. I even had Donald help me clean the ceiling fans. I know I know , cleaning is a good thing right? Wrong - Has anyone met my mother? I love her dearly but if I am to suffer that same fate of obsessiveness I say kill me now. Personally I think it's just sort of passing thing - kind of like the flu but with Mr Clean and Windex ( which reminds me I need to go do the bathroom floors). If it turns out to be a terminal condition please send your condolences to Donald - I know what my dad goes through .

We're all getting in high gear here for the big man to arrive ( Santa not my father ). Over the past several weeks I have baked 12 kinds of cookies, made rum balls and fudge. I still have a few more things to make. We're doing a house of rice krispie treats, lollipops and choco pretzels in addition to a few more cookies. To say we're busy is an understatement but we're having fun.

I seem to be having more fun in general this year with Christmas ( of course I haven't attempted wrapping yet - talk to me next week.) I'm assuming not dealing with DYFS is helping that along - that and the picturesque country scenes that abound down here.I'm trying to create a festive time this year not only for the kids but for Donald as well. He's the original Grinch and I'm bound and determine this year to make sure his Christmas heart grows three sizes this year!

It's hunting season this week and the deer are going crazy escaping the lunatics in orange. The hunters are out of control . They now all get in a truck and chase the deer to a fellow hunter who has a gun- its called running ( sounds fair doesn't it ). They are so out of control in this area my neighbor that during this week she has to write HORSE in big white letters across her horses in order to keep them safe from being shot. I mean really -can you imagine this conversation at the bar "Well golly gee , It LOOKED like a deer from that distance- I mean it had 4 legs and all"

On that note, I think we should push for legislation that to make the hunting season more exciting, if a homeowner looks out their back window and can see a hunter in the woods- they should be able to shoot at the hunters. At least that may add some excitement to the sport AND help reduce the population of hillbillies with guns.

Just a reminder for those of you in a generous mood this holiday season and thinking of giving to a good cause, we are still collecting monies to help fund Donald's tropical fish fund. He has an empty 120 gallon tank in my den ( across from the OTHER 120 gallon reef tank )and as you know - there is nothing sadder than an empty saltwater fish tank. So if you loved NEMO send your donations to

Talk to everyone soon. Happy Christmas Planning !

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