It's 5 am and I'm awake and anyone who knows me , knows that is not me. ( okay it's not actually 5 am now but I wrote this in my head and didn't feel like schlepping down 2 flights of stairs that early in the AM to get to my computer so bear with me). I am awakened by an odd noise I have never heard before. It sounds as if it's a far off plaintiff wail. It was a horrendous noise- especially at 5 am !AHA! I think - the jersey devil! I get up and my faithful ( but lazy ) companion Jack is sprawled out in the hallway - alert , awake and looking curiously but making no effort to move. I turn to motion to my other faithful companion Diesel and he snores - so much for my guard dog.
So it's me and Jack - everyone else is asleep. I go to bathroom window , look out and see?- Nothing ! It's way too dark ( what was I thinking - we live in the boonies) but the noise continues. Now for just a second I think about venturing downstairs and outside to check this out. I thought about it, but hey- it's 5 am and I don't do mornings. So I move to plan B like any good investigator would do - I wake my husband.
" Are you awake?" ( of course he's not It's 5 am for God sakes but polite protocol insists I ask )
He's a good husband so groggily he lies "Yes"
" Did you hear that? It's the Jersey Devil I know it. I have never heard anything like that before!"
I guess he was trying to be nice to the city girl ( or he was being a smart ass as usual but was too sleepy to sound it ) because he said " Maybe I misheard it but it sounds like a Rooster to me"
" It can't be it's dark" I argue.
He rolls over , looks at the clock and says " Nope - it's about time for them to be up "
He listens again and right before he drifts back off says " Yup! Rooster"
At that point I start thinking and come to some pretty interesting realizations about myself. The first thing is that I realize that I have never, ever heard a real rooster. Of course I've heard what they supposedly sound like through kids songs but I guess I never heard a real one - especially in the wild. The second point I realize is that I DONT want one . I had kept telling Donald I wanted a rooster to provide Henrietta with a love interest but if they make that noise at that time of the day , then Henrietta can live our her life as an old maid.
So the Jersey devil is still at large and I ,apparently have heard my first Rooster that is not a part of Old McDonald's farm. Life is definitely different out here but I'm adjusting and it's always an adventure. Who knows- maybe tomorrow I'll hear a cow- in the wild.
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