Sunday, April 21, 2013

Me and the Martha flu bug

I go through this every once in a's the phase when all I can think about is being the entertaining home keeper. I dream of pretty serving dishes for every occasion, matching mugs and a nice tidy decorated home, where friends pop over for a surprise cup of coffee and you just happen to have candles lit and a fresh baked streusel coming out of the extremely shiny oven. 

 Now anyone who knows me,knows that isn't exactly moi. I like creativity and the mundane things like taking care of house plants is a novelty that wears off quickly. I go out this week and buy them and for maybe 2 days tend to them. After that I lose interest and our house gnome handles it. This past year the house gnome did an outstanding job and said 1.00 plants are flourishing. Time to move up to some hanging ones! 

 I swear each year around now Martha Stewart sends some kind of virus to try and take control and make me mrs housekeeper. I clean, I bake, I buy little decorations and I make family declarations about how this time we will be organized and neat FROM NOW ON..I dream of dinner parties with ceramic serving bowls, linen placemats and cloth napkins.....I go through this every year and it lasts for like 3's the Martha flu.

     During that time I might as well call out of work sick but instead of coughing and sneezing, I'll be dusting and decorating and plotting really big projects that I might start but won't ever finish.....that's the most dangerous part of the flu.....especially since it makes my other half really cranky. I have yet to find an antidote to this and have found if I just ride it out,we all survive. Family eats a few goo
meals, things get cleaned, a few house plants join the home and as long as I am monitored to ensure a new major project doesn't get started, the family and I cope pretty well.

The worst part of this condition is that every now and then a silly family member will get their hopes up that this condition will be permanent. It never does stay though and in a week or so, the Martha Flu passes and normal life, well MY version of normal resumes again. In the meantime until I get it again, you can find my husband in his downtime, working on a stronger strain of to virus in hopes to one day make it permanent!

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